Saturday, November 25, 2006

In Tribute of Eduardo Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero tribute.
WATCH this

Eddie Guerrero 1967-2006 Rest in Peace

Sunday, November 12, 2006" width="343" height="290" align="middle" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" name="fwplayer" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" FlashVars="&loc=blog&gf=true&ns=true&fs=true&gfid=30-1022324&c=grey&autoPlay=false&getAd=false&wm=true&ct=true&tb=false" >


Here is some thing funny from some of my favorite wrestlers. go to this web site: and see it, it will be the funniest thing YOU WILL EVER SEE!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I now have more info on ferrets such as these are all the ferret relatives I know: Ermine,ferret,Black-footed ferret, badger, honey badger, tayra, ferret badger, wolfverine, pole cat, mink, marten, meerkat, fisher, river otter, giant otter, sea otter, african civet, binturong, zorilla, grison, kolinsky, and also there are 55 species in 24 genera in the family mustelidae and if you want to see there pictures please visit for the images.I also have 3 new club pemguin account, so look oyt for the penguins:Lucas Howard, Ferret121 and ChrisAngel1.I hope to see you on club penguin!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Holloween party on club penguin starts today for whoever goes on.I hope you all enjoy playing on Frozenburger(password:burger).I am Ferret122 and the creator of him is Lucas Howard-Harmych.The ceator of Frozenbuger(and Greenfliper and Fuzzyblue and Icicle249)is Zachary Ellixson.Club penguin is on plays on Greenfliper most of the time.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

as you all know at easley there are 3 weeks off but also i am going to WWE No Mercy the pay-per-veiw with my dad and to all easley student have a great 3 week break.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

if anyone asks the ferret club is closed IF no one (eli, jennifer, kevin, dante)asks to get in the soon to or not to be opened better ferret club.but also even if this does not involve ferrets go to and go under Frozenburger's user name and the password is burger.So go under frozenburger or create your own and if you see Ferret122 waddleing around ask him to be your friend because thats me lucas but the next day tell me your user name so i can make sure.FERRET CLUB CLOSED!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006


Ferret Club President